How to reach Pineapple Sails in person:
2526 Blanding Ave, Alameda, CA.
(510) 522-2200
by car from the Bay Bridge or the north on I-80:
- Exit from 80 onto 880 South
- Exit onto 23rd / Alameda
- Cross the Park St. Bridge into Alameda
- Take the Second Left onto Clement St.
- Take the next left onto Everett
- Then turn right onto Blanding Ave
- We in the middle of that block on the right hand side
by car from the south or east on 880:
- Exit from 880 (the Nimitz) onto 29 Ave.
- Turn Left at the end of the offramp onto 29th Ave
- Take the first right onto Ford St, get in the left lane
- Take the first left onto 23rd Ave
- Cross the Park St. Bridge into Alameda
- Take the Second Left onto Clement St.
- Take the next left onto Everett
- Then turn right onto Blanding Ave
- We in the middle of that block on the right hand side